Day 4 – Type annotations and recap

Day four has been fantastic. I’ve gone through and recapped what I learned and got a sense of how data annotation are useful. Now it’s onto Checkpoint 2.

Checkpoint 2

Here’s how far I got without help:

import UIKit

// Checkpoint 2 challenge: Create an array of strings, then print the number of items in the array and also the number of unique items in the array.

// My first stab at an array and counting how many items are in them
// var family = ["Monica", "Joshua", "Ethan", "Hadley", "Joshua"]
// print(family.count)

// Great, got my count of 5, but for unique I'll need to use a set; I think. Then I'll need to use interpolation to print a comment that counts them both; I think. Let's truy.

var family = Set(["Monica", "Joshua", "Ethan", "Hadley", "Joshua"])
print("The number of people in the family is \(family.count) and the unique number of names in the family is Y")

// Here's what I think the problem means. I should create a set to find the unique values, and total value is supposed to be the same.

After watching the hint I think I need to come back to this tomorrow. What I THINK I’ll need to do, based on the hint..

// Define the family with an array that's also a constant
let family = ["Monica", "Joshua", "Ethan", "Hadley", "Joshua"]

// Define a set that includes the array so I can count it and see unique number. 

//Print a comment that interpolates the count of the original array and the set, so that I'll see a count of 4 (uniques) and 5 (totals)


I looked up the answer again, and it was immediately so obvious. I was so close and I just forgot how to add arrays into sets.



